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 searching for christian artists and entertainers

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Join date : 2010-02-18

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PostSubject: searching for christian artists and entertainers   searching for christian artists and entertainers Icon_minitimeThu Feb 18, 2010 2:35 pm

I'm a pastor in South Georgia and I'm also a member of the Fellowship of Christian Magicians. Like all pastors, we're constantly looking for something new and exciting, but biblically sound, to present to our churches. It is difficult to find entertainers, musicians, teachers, evangelists that you can trust. So, websites like this are refreshing. But, is there a way to search for LOCAL chalk artists for special church events???
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Kerry Kistler
Kerry Kistler

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searching for christian artists and entertainers Empty
PostSubject: Re: searching for christian artists and entertainers   searching for christian artists and entertainers Icon_minitimeThu Feb 18, 2010 5:05 pm

Greetings to a fellow FCMer and thanks for the inquiry!

You ask a very good question. I would like to see a searchable directory of chalk artists here on the Loft too but have not quite figured out how to set one up. The structure of a forum makes such a directory difficult to include and maintain.

However, I can point you to a directory that is already established at Click on this link to see the directory:

I know some of the entries in the directory need updating but I think David LeGrand makes changes as he is informed. Although the home state (or country) of each artist is listed, that can be misleading. Many are willing to travel quite far from their home base. I was just talking with chalker Gary Means yesterday who lives in Pennsylvania but is currently on a 12 week ministry tour through Florida.

Near the bottom of the page is an area called Artist Bureau and if you click on the "Looking for an Artist" link it will only give you this email address to make inquiry -

Or, you can do this directly from the Artist Bureau page at here:

This description is found on that page:

"If you are looking for a chalk artist for your ministry event, or if you are an artist who would like to register with our Artist's Bureau, click on the appropriate link below to email us. We will contact you to obtain pertinent information so that we can provide the best 'ministry match' possible."

Also, since you are in the FCM I'm sure you know about the "Search For Entertainers in Your Area" on the FCM website at this link:

One downside - the database only includes members of the FCM, and most chalkers I know are NOT members of the FCM. For instance, I just used that search to look for chalk artists in Michigan. There are probably 8 or 10 chalkers in Michigan but the search results only showed 2.

Finally, whenever I discover another chalker with a web site I list it here under Chalk Artist Links:
Maybe someday I will add a state abbreviation with each listing.

Anyway, hope this is of some help,
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Join date : 2010-01-23

searching for christian artists and entertainers Empty
PostSubject: Re: searching for christian artists and entertainers   searching for christian artists and entertainers Icon_minitimeThu Feb 18, 2010 5:42 pm

I agree with you, it would be nice to have a central location for Chalk Artists and their information.

Our ministry is Sparrow Chalk Art Ministries we are located in Southwest Louisiana and we served churches that may be close to you.

We are going to be serving in South Georgia in May at Southside Baptist Church in Nahunta, GA for a Family Crusade, May 15th - 19th. We have served this area last year for a similar crusade at 1st Baptist Hoeboken, Hoeboken, Ga. Not knowing exactly where you are located, if you are close enough, we would love to invite to come to one of the services to see what our ministry is all about.

We will be posting the information in the next few weeks as we are finalizing the times. Our website is:

God Bless,
Jackie Gillespie
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PostSubject: Re: searching for christian artists and entertainers   searching for christian artists and entertainers Icon_minitime

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