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 Hello to families of chalk artists!

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2 posters

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Join date : 2010-01-22

Hello to families of chalk artists! Empty
PostSubject: Hello to families of chalk artists!   Hello to families of chalk artists! Icon_minitimeFri Jan 22, 2010 2:16 pm

Hi, my name is Christy, I'm Kerry Kistler's 14 year old daughter. As he said, I requested for him to make this section of the site, as I get extremely bored with all the other topics, haha Smile So what do you think, living with a chalk artist: good or bad, and why? Thanks for curing my boredom Razz

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Posts : 10
Join date : 2010-01-25

Hello to families of chalk artists! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello to families of chalk artists!   Hello to families of chalk artists! Icon_minitimeTue Feb 09, 2010 10:24 am

Hi Christy! Thanks for being such a help to your Dad and for your part in the ministry. Just from the few times that I have done a chalk presentation I know a little about what it takes to get it all set up. I have a daughter and two sons and they have been a big help in carrying, setting up and taking down. Plus, it is just nice having them around to be a part of it all. I feel sure that you are a tremendous blessing to your Dad. Keep up the good work! Jay
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Posts : 2
Join date : 2010-01-22

Hello to families of chalk artists! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello to families of chalk artists!   Hello to families of chalk artists! Icon_minitimeTue Feb 09, 2010 4:37 pm

Hello! Smile It's not a problem helping out around here, theres always something to do. It IS very difficult getting shows set up, especially when my dad needs to turn out the lights to do his hidden drawing and the rest of us are left using flashlights to set up haha it's really nice to be able to hang out and do things as a family instead of being seperated almost all day. Sure, they can be a pain, but they're still family Smile
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Hello to families of chalk artists! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello to families of chalk artists!   Hello to families of chalk artists! Icon_minitime

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Hello to families of chalk artists!
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