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 Harry Bjorklund - prolific creator of chalk talk cartoon stunts

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Kerry Kistler
Kerry Kistler

Posts : 151
Join date : 2010-01-12

Harry Bjorklund - prolific creator of chalk talk cartoon stunts Empty
PostSubject: Harry Bjorklund - prolific creator of chalk talk cartoon stunts   Harry Bjorklund - prolific creator of chalk talk cartoon stunts Icon_minitimeTue Jan 26, 2010 3:00 pm

Harry Bjorklund produced a ton of cartoon stunt ideas for the vaudeville era chalk talker as you can see from this listing of his books:

Here is one vinatage title that is available now for immediate and free download. Click HERE.

Harry Bjorklund - prolific creator of chalk talk cartoon stunts Peppy_10
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Harry Bjorklund - prolific creator of chalk talk cartoon stunts
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