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 Sorry for the banner ads - NOT my idea!

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Kerry Kistler
Kerry Kistler

Posts : 151
Join date : 2010-01-12

Sorry for the banner ads - NOT my idea! Empty
PostSubject: Sorry for the banner ads - NOT my idea!   Sorry for the banner ads - NOT my idea! Icon_minitimeWed Nov 10, 2010 1:48 pm

Hi Gang,

Try to ignore the banner ads that just started showing up. Like most things in life, nothing is free forever and these ads are one of those "hidden strings attached" things that I never expected.

When I set up this forum there was an option for the administrator (me) to "deactivate ads" for registered members. I did this gladly. There was never any indication that this would be a temporary situation. Today, when I investigated the mysterious appearance of the ads, I discovered that I must now PAY to have the ads removed. Sigh Sad .

So, please know that I am NOT responsible for these ugly ads nor their content.

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Sorry for the banner ads - NOT my idea!
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