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 Lighting with LEDs and DMX

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Join date : 2010-01-25

Lighting with LEDs and DMX Empty
PostSubject: Lighting with LEDs and DMX   Lighting with LEDs and DMX Icon_minitimeTue Feb 16, 2010 10:57 pm

I use RGB Leds to light up my presentation it work great! I program them to do exactly the light effect needed and it match the music and mood of the story. Does any other chalk artist use led? Also I seen at a uv fixture that seem to do a great job and it is also alvailable in dmx it is the effect master serie. Does any of you had seen one of those? Looking forward to hear more on this subject!
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Kerry Kistler
Kerry Kistler

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Lighting with LEDs and DMX Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lighting with LEDs and DMX   Lighting with LEDs and DMX Icon_minitimeTue Feb 16, 2010 11:20 pm

I am so glad you brought this up! Dwight Haynes and I have exchanged a few emails on this very topic.

Would you mind taking the time to describe what LED fixtures you are using (brand, model, etc.) and how you have them mounted in your hood? What DMX controller do you have and where is it placed for easy access during your presentations?

Would you say the LEDs are as bright or brighter than any other colored bulbs out there (including those that use colored gels)?

The UV fixture is something I have also looked at here:

Problem is, the specs say the DMX version is only available in the deluxe model - which is $800! The intense UV might be worth it for some chalkers who have a hard time getting the venue dark enough. I do cover how you can convert the blacklight in your hood to a VHO ballast at a thread here:

Please share some more details on the LED stuff when you have the time - would love to learn more!


Last edited by Kerry Kistler on Wed Feb 17, 2010 1:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lighting with LEDs and DMX Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lighting with LEDs and DMX   Lighting with LEDs and DMX Icon_minitimeWed Feb 17, 2010 11:22 am

Great comments! These are good research on blacklight!
I use 3 Color Blast 12 by color kenetics, it need a power supply and a e-player to play the light show and a trigger on which you can have 8 light show. I built my own light hood which is about 2 inch thin and by 10 inch wide. For the Black light I use t5 tube.
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Kerry Kistler
Kerry Kistler

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Lighting with LEDs and DMX Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lighting with LEDs and DMX   Lighting with LEDs and DMX Icon_minitimeWed Feb 17, 2010 1:02 pm

I am finding several different Color Blast 12 fixtures. Would you mind posting a link to the exact fixture you are using?

How is the quality of the white light you get by mixing the RGB LEDs? Do you feel it is bright enough?

Also, I'd love to see a photo or two of your hood design if you don't mind posting one here.

Thanks again,
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Lighting with LEDs and DMX Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lighting with LEDs and DMX   Lighting with LEDs and DMX Icon_minitimeWed Feb 17, 2010 10:00 pm

Here is a link to the color kenetic that I use:
Yes it really do a good job and it is really bright and the white is pretty good but I saw that there is led that do RGBWA!
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Lighting with LEDs and DMX Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lighting with LEDs and DMX   Lighting with LEDs and DMX Icon_minitimeWed Nov 30, 2011 4:50 am


I´m just begining to build my first lighthood and I must say I´m very confused about what is necessary. My budget is very limited. This is what I have: four 40 watt colored spotllightsbulbs and three white Govena radio-controlled dimmable enerysaving bulbs. I´v no blacklights yet. My question is: can these be useable and how do I fit them in the lighthood. Have I to use a lighthood made by wood or do I need one of metal just as Vogrin suggest. I´m not profesional only a beginner. I´m going to put them on the Vogrins easel which I recently built.

Mats Rydin, Sweden
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PostSubject: Re: Lighting with LEDs and DMX   Lighting with LEDs and DMX Icon_minitime

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