The Chalk Loft
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 Is this a forum, network, info-exchange or a casual hangout? Yes!

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Kerry Kistler
Kerry Kistler

Posts : 151
Join date : 2010-01-12

Is this a forum, network, info-exchange or a casual hangout? Yes! Empty
PostSubject: Is this a forum, network, info-exchange or a casual hangout? Yes!   Is this a forum, network, info-exchange or a casual hangout? Yes! Icon_minitimeFri Jan 15, 2010 3:14 pm

Hi Gang,
If you are a chalk artist, chalk talker (or just think it sounds like fun) you've found a refuge here at the Loft where you can hang out, relax and mix with others of like mind. There is no other place quite like this anywhere on the web. The Fellowship of Christian Magicians does have a forum which includes a small area for chalk artists. But, of course, you must be a member of the FCM to access those forums - which locks out most chalk artists.

Here, you don't need to have membership in an organization or pay dues to access the Chalk Loft - all are freely welcomed. It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or grizzled old pro, everyone has something to offer whether it's a question, answer, idea, opinion, story or simply a philosophical musing about the art we love.

Are there rules here? Just the Golden one - let's all be courteous ladies and gentlemen. Chalk art legend Dan Ondra once said, "It is easier to burn down a house than build one." The Chalk Loft is here to help build and strengthen you and our craft. So don't be timid about stopping by the Loft often to share your chalk bits whenever the mood strikes - we're open 24/7.

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