There are many places on the internet to gather info on sound systems, mics and speakers. One of the places I turn to for information and advice is The Magic Cafe. The people who hang out there are performers who work in front of audiences all the time. They try new products regularly and pull no punches when it comes to reporting on a product.
Here is the direct link to the topic dealing with "lights, music, sound, fog, backdrops, etc." called FX. You will not need to register at the site to read the posts - only if you want to make a post. up - currently there are over 64 pages of posts in the FX area of the Magic Cafe. Which makes you thankful that the site has a powerful search engine. Specific topics may be deeply buried but with a bit of digging you will uncover a trove of helpful information.
I can only hope for such a happy situation regarding the future of The Chalk Loft.
Happy digging,