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 Out of the salt shaker and into the world

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Kerry Kistler
Kerry Kistler

Posts : 151
Join date : 2010-01-12

Out of the salt shaker and into the world Empty
PostSubject: Out of the salt shaker and into the world   Out of the salt shaker and into the world Icon_minitimeMon Jan 18, 2010 2:57 am

It is not uncommon for gospel chalk artists to be invited into secular venues such as civic organizations, clubs and other non-church groups. If you have developed some drawings for these types of groups or occasions, share your solutions here. If you need some ideas, advice or input, post your questions and maybe someone at the Loft will have a creative solution.

Also, start a separate post for each drawing concept you share and include a photo if you can. Simple instructions for inserting an image can be found at this link:

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Out of the salt shaker and into the world
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