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 Large Bedsheet Easel and Stand

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Join date : 2012-03-08

Large Bedsheet Easel and Stand Empty
PostSubject: Large Bedsheet Easel and Stand   Large Bedsheet Easel and Stand Icon_minitimeThu Mar 08, 2012 9:27 pm

Can anyone tell me where to go to find out how to build a revolving easel stand like Bowman uses? He literally rotated the easel in a 360 degree mode. How too, do you mount your easel to this revolving stand?
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Join date : 2010-01-25

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PostSubject: Re: Large Bedsheet Easel and Stand   Large Bedsheet Easel and Stand Icon_minitimeWed Mar 14, 2012 4:11 pm

You can go to and see some of the DVD's that are sold. Matt Bowman has a new series on chalking on bed sheets. One of the DVD's has to do with the easel. I haven't seen it but it may have the information you are looking for. I hope this helps. Jay
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Large Bedsheet Easel and Stand
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