Hi all!! Kerry, I saw you and your family at the 2008 Gospel Chalk Conference at Gull Lake...That was a wonderful time for me. I had never in my life seen so many chalk artists of so many talents. What God was doing was amazing. I learned so much just walking around and seeing techniques and different boards and Ben Glen was an inspiration for me. I used his Black sheet skill at a Youth camp last year. Years ago (1995) I was at Ding Teuling's class in Muskegon, MI when Dan Ondra was there...He used A projector connected to his laptop telling the story of the Titantic disaster. It blew me away. The cost was huge then and his church payed for his ministry but I was so impressed... but I thought.. was that cheating? Then he showed his skills and he didn't need all that tech stuff but others may need a little help like projectors to help tell the story.
Other venues is the real reason for this blog. Dan let us know about, and to look for other places than churches to do drawing. Borders book store will pay $50 for that type of drawing presentation. Classical music and a creation scenery. Most people love the give of artistry most of all when done with beautiful music. Once Dan told of an opportunity to go to a grand Opening...It payed $750 for several hours of drawing once an hour. Also these Hometown Days Fairs look for those type of talents. I was offered $500 for a two day booth to represent and draw for a Credit Union but I had to be out of town. I did a Street Preaching time in Rochester, NY a few years ago (2006) I drew and a pastor preached and wow was that ever a blessing. People stopped and didn't want to miss the finish...So look for out of the box places and you will be suprised how the Lord provides..God Bless Don