My name is Tim Havlik and I have been a Chalk artist since 1998. However, it has been a couple years since I have presented a chalk talk and I would like to get back into doing them several times a year. I am married with one son and another little one on the way. God is good and I am striving to serve him with my life. I trust that he will continue to use me and you all.
I am praising God that he has enabled me to just finish a Master's of Theology at Central Baptist Seminary in Plymouth, MN. I actually graduate in May. This will enable me to better communicate the gospel and biblical truth. After I graduate, I hope to pursue further studies at Central while serving in a local church near Prior Lake, MN.
Thanks for having me. I hope that I can glean from the excitement of you all and maybe contribute some as I have time. This is a brief introduction. I hope to get to know you and share more of my life experiences as I get more involved here.