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 Speed painters Rock Demarco, D. Westry & Michael Israel

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Kerry Kistler
Kerry Kistler

Posts : 151
Join date : 2010-01-12

Speed painters Rock Demarco, D. Westry & Michael Israel Empty
PostSubject: Speed painters Rock Demarco, D. Westry & Michael Israel   Speed painters Rock Demarco, D. Westry & Michael Israel Icon_minitimeFri Sep 24, 2010 1:52 pm

Hey gang,

Here are the links to a couple more speed painter entertainers. Why bother taking a look? Because adding a bit of showmanship to your chalk presentations is no sin and watching these guys may inspire you to kick it up a notch.

Rock Demarco markets himself as the World's Fastest Painter using a stage persona similar to Criss Angel...on steroids - kind of a punk rocker, goth, Freddie Kruger hybrid - tell me his "painting glove" doesn't remind you of the Nightmare on Elm Street villian.

D. Westry is "The Man With the Hand - The Speed Art Man" This guy gives off an urban, hip hop kind of vibe. Also uses the rotating easel board.

Michael Israel is, well, a cross between a classic 70s rock star, Fabio and Jackson Pollock. He has been described as Cirque du Soleil meets Picasso. His promo reel makes it look as though he uses a trampoline to get such awesome "air time" - whew!

Study these guys - don't imitate but realize that a tasteful use of high energy passion will make your presentation better for the audience.

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Speed painters Rock Demarco, D. Westry & Michael Israel
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